

3 Rounds for Time:
5 KB Snatches (70/53*) R
5 KB Rack Reverse Lunges R
5 KB Jerks R
5 KB Snatches L
5 KB Rack Reverse Lunges L
5 KB Jerks L
250m Row

Thanksgiving Day

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone! We hope you enjoy your day with your loved ones eating copious amounts of food and remember, take a moment to be grateful!

If you feel like moving around pre or post food belly, try this one at home:

Food Guilt Workout

4 Rounds for Max Reps

30sec Air Squats

30sec Burpee

30sec Lunges

30sec Push-Ups

30sec Rest



2 Rounds for Time:
  250m Row
  20 Box Jump Overs (24/20")
  20 1 Arm KB Swings
  20 1 Arm KB Push Press
  20 1 Arm KB Power Cleans

*Kettlebell RX weight is 53/35*.  Complete the movements, in order, splitting the reps between your right and left arm evenly.  


Man-UP Monday

CF Football Total
   Power Clean 1 Rep
   Squat 1 Rep
   Bench 1 Rep
   Deadlift 1 Rep

*Perform a single maximum effort for the lifts listed above.
*After warm-ups, 3 attempts are allowed.
*Total must be done in the specified order.