
FUNday: OPEN WOD 22.1

AMRAP in 15 minutes of:
   3 wall walks
 12 dumbbell snatches
 15 box jump-overs

Rx'd (Ages 16-54)
 35-lb dumbbell, 20-in box
 50-lb dumbbell, 24-in box

Masters 55+
 20-lb dumbbell, 20-in box*
 35-Ib dumbbell, 24-in box*




10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 reps of:

Deadlift: 1 1/2 body weight
Bench press: body weight
Clean: 3/4 body weight

Set up three bars and storm through for time.



4 Individually Timed Rounds:
 300m Row/Ski
 MAX Wallballs to 2min mark

REST 2min between Rounds 


 Russian Twist
 Hollow Rocks 
 Mt. Climbers 



Navy Chief Special Warfare Operator
(SEAL/Enlisted Surface Warfare Specialist) 
Died August 6, 2011
Serving During Operation Enduring Freedom

8 Rounds for TIME:
 200m Run
 11 Burpee DB Deadlifts (2-60 lbs.)

U.S. Navy Special Warfare Operator Petty Officer 1st Class (SEAL/Enlisted Surface Warfare Specialist) Jon "JT" Thomas Tumilson, 35, of Rockford, IA, assigned to an East Coast-based Naval Special Warfare unit, died on August 6, 2011, in Wardak province, Afghanistan, of wounds suffered when his helicopter crashed. 

He is survived by his parents George and Kathy Tumilson, Joy and Scott McMeekan, sisters Kristie and Joy, and his dog Hawkeye.