

If you want to be faster, stronger and more explosive you need to improve you’re jumping ability and ultimately your hip extension.

Today we'll begin with a Dynamic Warmup and work on Mobility

WOD15min to work on Max Ht. Box Jumps ~ Kettlebell Complex


Thursday- Happy Halloween

WOD: for 16min complete
  • Even Minutes- 5 Thrusters (105/65)
  • Odd Minutes- 5 Pull-Ups
*DO strict pull-ups as long as possible and then use the kip




Take 10:00 to work on Squat Cleans

Take 10:00 to work on Push Jerks

WOD: Clean & Jerk 1,1,1,1,1

*Use a rack when working on the Push Jerks. Newer athletes should go light and focus on proper form/mechanics. 



WOD: 5 Rounds for total reps
  • Burpee Pull-ups
  • Rest
  • Box Jumps
  • Rest
  • Wallballs
  • Rest
*This workout will be completed with a running clock. Athletes will complete a total of 5 rounds, spending :30 @ each station. On the call of rotate, athletes will move to the next station. Similar to the FGB WOD format.