

In TEAMs of 2...

3 Rounds for TIME of:
 30 In & Out Tire Flips
 400m RUN
 30 Toes-2-Bar
 400m RUN



7 Rounds for TIME of:
 10 1arm DB Snatches (70/50)
 10 Pull-UPs

Strength doesn't care where you live, how much money you have in your bank account, the color of your skin or what you achieved "back in the day". Strength is EARNED. We're all equals once we enter the weight room. 
You Get What You Earn.




Alternate b/n movements EMOM for 18min:
  10 GHD Situps
  20 KB Swings (53/35
  30 Double Unders

*1 movement a min, 6 sets of each total

4 Reasons Your Not Getting STRONGER
  1. Your trying to Fix Things that aren't broken
  2. Your making it harder, NOT HEAVIER
  3. Your MINDSET is out of whack
  4. Lack of OWNERSHIP



5 Rounds for TIME of:
 Anchor RUN
 15 Push Press (95/65)
 30 Squats

 David Goggins: 10 Rules for Success
  1. Outwork Everyone
  2. Find Your Inner Strength
  3. Never Give UP
  4. Face Your Obstacles
  5. Prove Them Wrong
  6. Don't Look for Finish Lines
  7. Build Yourself UP
  8. Own Your Life
  9. Seek Challenges
  10. Push Your Limits



"LINDA" (3 Bars of HELL Heaven) reps for TIME of:
  Deadlift (1 1/2 bodyweight)
  Bench Press (bodyweight)
  Clean (3/4 bodyweight)

“To me, if there’s really hope in the future, then there’s power in the present to deal with whatever mess you’re dealing with in your life.”
    -Dabo Swinney