

Crazy 8ights

Directions: Complete all reps of each exercise, working to rest as little as possible. Then rest for as long as it takes for your partner to do all reps of each exercise. The moment your partner finishes, you’re back to work. Do 8 rounds each of this workout.

  8 DB Snatches  (70/50)
  8 Burpee Box Jumps
  8 Pull-UPs 




EMOM for 10min complete:
  EVEN: 10 GHD Situps 
    ODD: 25 Double Unders 

Turkish Get-UPs: 4-4-2-2



From CrossFit.com SUNDAY 190505

Can you walk 400 meters carrying 50-lb. dumbbells (♀ 35-lb.)?
 A) If not, how far can you go before setting them down?
 B) What are the heaviest dumbbells you can carry for 400 meters?

Today, we’ll have fun with farmers carries, sled pushes/drags & the yoke!



4 Rounds for TIME of: 
  21 Bench Presses 
  15 Pull-UPs  
  Building RUN
♀ 95 lb. ♂ 135 lb.



CrossFit Total
 1-RM Back Squat
 1-RM Shoulder Press
 1-RM Deadlift

Athlete gets 3 attempts at each lift. Weight must increase after each successful attempt at each movement. Weight may not be decreased after first attempt. A failed rep counts as an attempt.

There is no time limit for each lift or for the length of the session in which they are all performed, but they must all be performed during one session (i.e., athlete cannot leave the area to rest or perform other activities between the three lifts).