Todays WOD will be completed in TEAMS of 2 for TOTAL # of REPS. 1* Team member working at a time. WOD:Tabata- 8 rounds at each movement of 20 seconds work - 10 seconds rest
Due to weather concerns (Please don't freak out people, use your head. It's just Winter, not the end of the World) I'm posting a bodyweight WOD, which can be completed anywhere. Enjoy... WOD: for 30min complete the following
10 Push-Ups - 1st Minute
15 Squats - 2nd Minute
20 Situps - 3rd Minute
With a visible running clock: 10 Push-Ups on the 1st minute, 2nd minute 15 Squats, 3rd Minute 20 Situps. Continue this sequence until the 30min mark. Therefore you'll complete 10 total sets of each minute. If you complete 10 Push-Ups in 15sec, you have 45sec to rest before starting on the Squats.