

In TEAMs of 2...

2 Rounds for TIME of:
 Building RUN
 10 Clean & Jerks 
 20 Burpees
 30 Back Squats
 40 Box Jumps
 50 Pull-UPs

RX= 135/95

Partition the reps as you wish
1* TEAM Member working at a time
RUN Together



Gymnastics movements with Rings & Parallettes


  5 Snatches
  5 Cleans
  5 Russian Swings
  5 S2OH
  5 1arm S2OH

*Rest as needed between efforts

"...let's not make today most days."
Former Dallas Police Chief  David Brown 



EMOM for 10min complete:
  EVEN: 7 Thrusters (95/65)
    ODD: 25 Double Unders


 Hollow Rocks
 Squat Holds
 Bar Hang
 Russian Twist (25/10s)



For TIME...

Set up three bars and storm through it
WOD demo

Everyone has strengths and weaknesses, that’s part of being human. It’s a great feeling when you see a workout on the whiteboard that you know you can destroy because it involves everything that you’re good at. The opposite scenario is not so much fun, and it’s easy to avoid those kinds of workouts. If you make sure to tackle every WOD that comes your way, especially the ones you won’t be so good at, then you will be sure to improve your weaknesses.


Memorial Day is a time for reflection, pause, remembrance and thanksgiving for patriots who gave up their own lives to protect the lives and freedom of us all - including the freedom of generations long gone and generations yet unborn. We owe the fallen a debt so enormous that it can never be repaid.

Memorial Day is a time to honor the lives of those who would rather die than take a knee when our national anthem is played. But they will fight and die for the rights of those who kneel.

This holiday is a time to think of young lives cut short, of wives and husbands turned into widows and widowers, of children growing up without a father or mother, of parents burying their children.

Memorial Day is a time to think of might have beens that never were. Of brave Americans who put their country before themselves. Without these heroes, America would not be America.

This Memorial Day, I urge all Americans to remember all the fallen sailors, soldiers, airmen, Marines and Coast Guard members who have so bravely served our country, as well as their families.

And I urge all Americans to join me in the hope and prayer that somehow, someday people around the world will focus more on our similarities than our differences and that we will move closer to a time when war is just a memory - part of our past but not our future.

                  ~ Former Navy SEAL Robert O'Neill

Please click here to read the entire article and watch the interview.