

Yoke Carry Variations
 Farmers Carry Relays
 Medball Races
 Truck Pushes




 KB Swings
 Hollow Rocks
 Goblet Squats 
 Double Unders

“The bigger the ‘WHY’ the easier the ‘HOW’.” 
                                             — Jim Rohn



Shoulder Press 5-5-5 
Push Press 5-5-5 
Push Jerk 5-5-5 

5 and 5
Every :30 for 10min complete:
  5 Curls
  5 Push-UPs

RX= 35/20s

New Regs Mean Marines Will Have a Harder Time Passing Fitness Tests Next Year
The effort is meant to up the standards for all Marines, who will be pushed to strive for higher scores and better athleticism across the board, said Col. Stephen Armes, director of the Marine Corps' Force Fitness Division.

"I think, as with any [physical fitness] program, you have to modify it and adapt it," Armes told Military.com. "If you continue doing the same thing year in and year out, you're not going to get any better."



21-15-9 reps for TIME of:
 Deadlifts (225/155)

OU football: Kenneth Murray's record-breaking performance helps Sooners in overtime win

When the game ended, Murray went up to each service member he saw, shook their hands and thanked them for their service.

"At that point it wasn't even about the game of football, it was about their service and what they do," Murray said. "They make the ultimate sacrifice. They're the real warriors. They're out there fighting, sacrificing their lives for this country."



5 Rounds for TIME of:
 Anchor RUN
 10 Toes-2-Bar
 15 Wallballs

  • tiaclair1How your competitors prepare is completely out of your control, yet how I prepare is completely what I focus on. I respect my competition greatly and don’t take anybody lightly, they are all incredible athletes. My preparation has been about being better than the athlete that won last year. Being smarter, stronger, fitter, faster and mentally tougher than the version of myself that took out the top title.
    I hope everyone enjoys the Road to the Games episode featuring myself and @katrintanja . The Crossfit media team have done such an amazing job putting these together. Without them we wouldn’t be able to celebrate the diversity, personality, characters and stories within the sport. @crossfitgames @mariah.moore