

EMOM for 12min:
  EVEN: 10 Dips
   ODD: 25 Double Unders



For Time …
500m Row, 5 Medball Cleans (20/14*)
400m Row, 10 Medballl Cleans
300m Row, 15 Medball Cleans
200m Row, 20 Medball Cleans
100m Row, 25 Medball Cleans

The ability to work at high intensity depends largely on mechanics and consistency.  If your rowing is smooth and efficient you should be able to push this Rowing WOD and hold sub-2k pace for every piece.  A good goal might be to hold your 2k split for every piece or negative split so that each piece is one split second faster.  Same goes for the medicine ball cleans.  If you can focus on using the legs and hips to move the ball, then your arms will remain loose and fluid providing a greater efficiency of movement.  This will allow you to push the pace and go unbroken for every round.  Try to only pause for brief breaks in between exercises if you have to.  



EMOM for 15min:
  1st 5min:
     3 High Hang Snatches
  2nd 5min:
    3 Below the Knee Snatches
  Final 5min:
    3 Full Snatches

CrossFit - Coaching the Three Snatch Positions (Journal Preview)

  • Hip-Width Stance
  • Hands wide enough that bar rest in crease of hip with legs extended
  • HOOK Grip
  • Shoulders slightly in front of the bar at set-up
  • Lumbar Curve maintained
  • Hips and shoulders rise at the same rate
  • The hips extend RAPIDLY
  • Shoulders shrug, followed by a pull under the bar with arms
  • Bar is received at the bottom of an overhead squat
  • Squat complete at full hip, knee and arm extension with the bar over the middle of the foot



Warm-UP: Sally UP - Sally Down 


AMRAP in 15min of:
  200m Run (anchor)
  5 Burpee Pull-UPs
  10 Push Press (95/65*)
  15 KB Swings (53/35*)