
Emanuel AME Church Victims

We remember June 17, 2015...

Rev. Clementa Pinckney
Cynthia Hurd
Rev. Sharonda Coleman-Singleton
Tywanza Sanders
Ethel Lance
Susie Jackson
Depayne Middleton Doctor
The Rev. Daniel Simmons
Myra Thompson

9 Rounds for TIME of:
 200m RUN
 9 Hang Cleans (75/55)
 9 Lunges
 9 KB Swings (53/35)
 9 Ring Dips
 9 Goblet Squats (53/35)
 9 Pull-UPs
 9 Push Press (75/35)
 9 Burpees



Using a 5min clock for 4 intervals...

Complete 4 times for Max DU reps:
At the start of each Round ROW 500m as fast as possible. Immediately, start doing as many Double Unders as you can until the 3 minute mark. 
 Rest 2min between Rounds

Score= Total DU reps



Back Squat: 6-6-5-5-3
Close Grip Bench Press: 10-10-10
GHD Situps: 10-10-10


Tuesday- "Charleston 9"

Today, we pay tribute on the 11-year anniversary…

On June 18, 2007, a fire in Charleston, SC claimed the lives of 9 firefighters after a flashover and structural collapse. From the time of the initial call to the collapse was 37 minutes. In the fire service around the world, they became known as the “Charleston 9”.



AMRAP in 15min of:
  Anchor RUN
  10 Ring Dips
  20 Russian Twist (25/15)
  10 Pull-UPs