

Movement & Pacing Strategy for...

Open Workout 19.2
Beginning on an 8-minute clock, complete as many reps as possible of:
25 toes-to-bars
50 double-unders
15 squat cleans, 135 / 85 lb.
25 toes-to-bars
50 double-unders
13 squat cleans, 185 / 115 lb



4 Rounds for TIME of:
  • 400m RUN
  • 65 Squats
  • 35 Burpee Pull-UPs
On February 28, 2019, men and women from across the country will gather at gyms, parks, air stations and on vessels at sea to pay tribute to fallen heroes as part of this year's USCG Aviation Workout to Remember. Formerly known as ‘The 6535 Memorial Workout’ the event was created as a tribute to the four aviation crew members of CG6535, who were lost in 2012 in Mobile, Alabama. Today the annual event honors all of the lives lost in Coast Guard Aviation. 
The Workout to Remember is an event to honor those Coast Guard aviators who have made the ultimate sacrifice and support those that they have left behind. Since 2013, the Workout to Remember has raised more than $10,000 for the Coast Guard Foundation’s Fallen Heroes Scholarship Fund. 
Over the last seven years the Workout to Remember has become more than just a fitness event. It is now a tradition that challenges us, humbles us, and allows us to dedicate a bit of pain and sweat to honor, respect, and remember those who gave everything they had. 
We invite you to join the countless patriots who support our cause by completing the workout on February 28, 2019. We also encourage you to help raise funds by collecting donations, or by purchasing one of our 2019 commemorative t-shirts.

19 Puddle Pirate Aviation Shirt 2019

2019 T-Shirt: The Coast Guard Aviation Workout to Remember is proud to partner with Puddle Pirate to bring you another high quality commemorative shirt, worthy of representing such a unique cause. Order yours here!
Please note: Unlike previous years, shirt orders will be filled and ship immediately. Quantities are limited, so please visit Puddle Pirate todayto order your 2019 event shirt. As always, 100% of proceeds will go to the Coast Guard Foundation’s Fallen Heroes Scholarship Fund.
For news and updates, please follow the USCG Aviation Workout to Remember on Facebookand Instagram.

W2 Rpics

The Workout

4 Rounds:
400m Run, 65 Air Squats, 35 Burpee Pull-ups
Two divisions
1. Individual: All movements and reps are completed by a single individual. 
2. Team (2-4 members): All members complete the run portions together. During other movements, reps may be divided as necessary, but one member must be working at all times. All reps of a single movement must be completed prior to the team beginning the next movement. 
Movement standards and Scaling:
65 Air Squats: Full squats performed to below parallel position (hip crease below knee).
35 Burpees to Pull-ups: A complete burpee (chest and thighs touching ground to standing position) followed by one pull-up with chin above bar level. 
Scaling may be performed by using a step-up box for "jumping" pull-ups, or by the use of band assisted pull-ups or ring-rows. If such scaling is used, complete the burpees and pull-ups separately. If participants are unable to complete a pull-up, complete a full burpee, jump and touch the pull-up bar. 
400 Meter Run: leaving the workout area, run to the designated mark and return. 
Time Limits: We recommend a 60 minute time cap for completion of the WOD for both divisions.
Honor. Respect. Remember.


USCG Aviation Workout to Remember Frequently Asked Questions:
Wait, I thought this was the 6535 Memorial Workout - why the name change? In light of the workout's growing support, and in order to honor all of those who have given their lives on Coast Guard missions and training, the name of the workout was changed to honor the crew of the CG6535 as well as the heroes that had gone before them. We thought it was what they would have asked us to do. 
How is a workout a memorial? People remember in many different ways. In groups or alone. Quietly or out loud. This event is a unique opportunity to honor those who have gone before us through sweat and effort. In the comparatively minuscule suffering we endure through this workout, we reflect on the suffering and sacrifice of those who made the ultimate sacrifice for us. 
Sounds cool, how to I set up an event near me? The whole idea of this program is to empower individuals to gather together in small or large groups wherever they are; at home or at work, ashore or at sea, and remember our fallen heroes. Just send an email, text, tweet or actually talk in person with some friends from your office/gym/unit and pick a place to throw down. Other than the t-shirt fundraiser, we are totally decentralized, and counting on YOU to help the event spread and be a success. 
There's a t-shirt fundraiser? Yes, we are excited to continue to partner with Puddle Pirate for this year’s fundraiser t-shirt. Thanks to their involvement, we will be able to ship shirts immediately when you order, and provide a much greater return on investment to the fundraiser. They run a little small, so size up. 
Who gets the money from this? All proceeds (100%) will go to the Coast Guard Foundation's Fallen Heroes Scholarship Fund. 
I'm organizing an event and want to sell shirts that day, can I? Absolutely. Shirts are available in limited quantities from the Puddle Pirate website. You can link folks to the website or gather sizes and place a bulk order for your event participants en masse. 
It says the event is on 28 February, what if I'm not free that day? We ask that events be setup on or around the 28th of February in honor of the crew of the CG6535, but know that schedules don't always permit. We encourage teams to plan workouts anywhere within a week of that date, if able. 
I love the cause, but hate burpees and don't need a t-shirt. How do I participate? Nobody likes burpees, but you should do some. Even if you don't, you can donate directly to the Coast Guard Foundation here: coastguardfoundation.org/workout2019 And thanks! 
We're doing an event in my area (or we just did one), how do I share with the rest of groups that are participating? We hope to grow beyond our capacity to track events around our nation and the globe. In order to get an idea of where folks are taking time to remember, we ask that you share your photos, videos and comments through your chosen form of social media using the hashtag #CGWODTOREMEMBER. It will make us all easy to find and share. 
I'm so in for this workout! What's the record? I'm going to beat it! Even if we kept track, we wouldn't publish it. The goal here is to complete the workout and push yourself WITHIN YOUR OWN LIMITS. More than ever, we encourage athletes to take their focus off of themselves and put it on those they are remembering. Don't be fooled, this workout is tough and should NOT be attempted as Rx'd by anyone who has not been participating in these types of high intensity exercise programs before. 
So if I'm not a life-long CrossFitter like those guys on ESPN, can I not participate? You can absolutely participate. One of the great parts of this workout is that by scaling the movements, anyone can take part - from a world class athlete to someone who hasn't done a pull-up in years. Check out the workout description above for some scaling options, or send us your questions via our Facebook page to help tailor the workout to your participants' fitness levels.

Honor. Respect. Remember.



Great Job on 19.1!

3 Rounds for TIME of:
  Anchor RUN 
  30 Double Unders 
  20 1arm DB Snatches (65/45)

     30 Behaviors That Will Make You Unstoppable
1. Don’t think — know and act.
2. Always be prepared so you have the freedom to act on instinct.
3. Don’t forget your WHY on the path of success.
4. Never be satisfied.
5. Always be in control.
6. Be true to yourself.
7. Never let off the pressure.
8. Don’t be afraid of the consequences of failure.
9. Don’t compete with others. Make them compete with you.
10. Never stop learning.
11. Success isn’t enough — it only increases the pressure.
12. Don’t get crushed by success.
13. Completely own it when you screw up.
14. Let your work speak for itself.
15. Always work on your mental strength.
16. Confidence is your greatest asset.
17. Surround yourself with people who remind you of the future, not the past.
18. Let things go, learn your lessons.
19. Have clear goals.
20. Respond immediately, rather than analyzing or stalling.
21. Choose simplicity over complication.
22. Never be jealous or envious of someone else’s accomplishments.
23. Take the shot every time.
24. Seek results, but don’t get caught up in them. This will keep you stuck living in the past.
25. Think and act 10X.
26. Set goals that far exceed your current capabilities.
27. Make time for recovery and rejuvenation.
28. Start before you’re ready.
29. If you need permission, you probably shouldn’t do it.
30. Don’t make exceptions.



Take another shot at...
2019 CrossFit OPEN WOD 19.1

AMRAP in 15 min of:
 19 Wallballs
 19 Cal ROW
