


For time:

50 Walking lunge steps
25 Chest to bar pull-ups
50 Box jumps, 24 inch box
50 Back extensions
25 Ring dips
50 Knees to elbows
Wallball "2-fer-1s", 20 pound ball
50 Sit-ups
15 foot Rope climb, 5 ascents

U.S. Coast Guard Lieutenant Junior Grade Thomas Cameron, 24, of Portland, Oregon, in training at the Aviation Training Center in Mobile, Alabama, died on February 28, 2012, when his unit's helicopter crashed into Mobile Bay in the Gulf of Mexico during a training mission. He is survived by his parents Bette and John, and brother Alex.



Warm Up: Block Run, Agility Ladder

Skills: Broad Jump, Sprinting Mechanics

WOD: On the minute for 12 minutes complete:

             3 Broad Jumps
             Sprint 30 yards

*After your last broad jump, collect yourself. Start your sprint from a good sprint start position

Mobility: 3 Rounds, NOT for time

                       10 Tuck Jumps
                       20 Mt. Climbers



Warm-Up: Building Run, 20 Wall Lunges, 2:00 Jump Rope, Hip Openers, Cobra Stretch

Skills: Situps,  Double Unders, Box Jumps


A. Deadlift 4,4,4,4

B. for time

20 Situps
21 Double Unders
21 Box Jumps

20 Situps
18 Double Unders
18 Box Jumps

20 Situps
15 Double Unders
15 Box Jumps

20 Situps
12 Double Unders
12 Box Jumps

20 Situps
9 Double Unders
9 Box Jumps

20 Situps
6 Double Unders
6 Box Jumps

20 Situps
3 Double Unders
3 Box Jumps



Warm Up: X3 10 Beat Swings, 10 pushups

Skills: Bench Press, Pull-Up

WOD: Helen, if weather permits. 

If not, 4 rounds for MAX reps of...

Bench Press

Note: Men’s weight is 95lb. to 135lb. and women’s weight is 45lb. to 65lb. Rest no more than ten seconds between the Bench Press and Pull-up. However, you can rest as much as needed between each round. Who can break 100 total repetitions for this workout using 135lb. on the Bench Press for men, or 95lb. on the Bench Press for women?

Mobility: Band Stretches



Warm Up: 2 Rounds: 20 Medball Cleans, 20 Situps, 20 Squats
                  Burgener Warm-UP

Skills: Power Clean, Front Squat

WOD: On the minute for 20 minutes:
           ~Even Minutes: 3 Power Cleans 
           ~Odd Minutes: 5 Front Squat

Mobility: Wall Sits