

As Hurricane Florence bears down on us:
 Keep your loved ones safe
 HELP anyone you can
 Secure your residence
 Prepare for the impending Tidal Surge/Flooding

Body-Weight WOD
Tabata... 16 Rounds of :20 WORK :10 REST (8 min)

Alternate after each Round between:
   Hollow Rocks




Buy In: 2001m RUN (1.25 miles)

Accumulate 343 reps by alternating 9/11 reps
   7 Rounds of:
    9 Deadlift (175/125)
    11 Burpee Pull-UPs
    9 Box Jumps
    11 Wallballs
    9 HR Pushups

Cash Out: 110 Walking Lunges

              Significant Numbers: 
              9/11/2001 - Date
              343 - NY Firefighters Lost
              175lbs - AA Flight that hit South Tower
              125 - Deaths at the Pentagon
              110 - Stories of the Twin Towers

On September 11, 2018, people will gather in New York City and across the nation to mark the seventeenth anniversary of the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, the single-deadliest act of terrorism committed on U.S. soil. The attacks resulted in the deaths of nearly 3,000 people in Somerset County, PA, Arlington VA, and at the World Trade Center site in Lower Manhattan. We will never remember the victims, honor the first responders who perished on that day, and support families and survivors who continue to suffer from illnesses related to the attacks.

8:46 a.m.: American Airlines Flight 11 struck the North Tower (1 WTC)
9:03 a.m.: United Airlines Flight 175 struck the South Tower (2 WTC)
9:37 a.m.: American Airlines Flight 77 struck the Pentagon
9:59 a.m.: South Tower (2 WTC) collapsed
10:03 a.m.: United Airlines Flight 93 crashed in Somerset County, PA
10:28 a.m.: North Tower (1 WTC) collapsed



Box Squats: 5-5-5-5
2 Rounds for TIME of:
 20 KB Swings
 40 Double Unders
 20 Hollow Rocks