
Memorial Day WOD

Join us this Memorial Day in honoring the real American heroes, Lt. Michael Murphy and all of the brave men and women who have given the ultimate sacrifice on behalf of our Great Nation!

We'll be completing "Murph”, the CrossFit Hero WOD with the first wave beginning at 9am. We'll have both the full and scaled versions for all abilities and fitness levels to participate!

And be sure to stick around afterwards for some family friendly fun and enjoy some smoked barbeque compliments of Chef Scott Burke.

We would love to have you come kick off your Memorial Day with us. Bring your friends and family to check it out, grab a bite to eat and get in a great workout.

Absolutely no cost to participate. Message us for more information or go to starboardcrossfit.com to get started.

There are two categories of benchmark CrossFit workouts: “Girl” workouts and “Hero” workouts. The former includes beasts like Nancy and Fran, and the latter are named after military, law- enforcement, and civil-service personnel who have made the ultimate sacrifice.

CrossFit headquarters created a workout named in these people’s honor, and the CrossFit community pays tribute to the fallen by completing the challenging workouts to the best of their ability.

"Murph" is a Hero workout named in honor of U.S. Navy Lt. Michael Murphy, 29, of Patchogue, NY, a Navy SEAL killed in Afghanistan on June 28, 2005. He was posthumously awarded the Medal of Honor.




For TIME...
 30 Box Jumps (24/20 in)
 30 Jumping Pull-Ups
 30 Kettlebell Swings (35/26 lb)
 30 Lunges
 30 Knees-to-Elbows
 30 Push Press (45/35 lb)
 30 Back Extensions
 30 Wall Balls (20/14 lb)
 30 Burpees
 30 Double-Unders

We've been invited to complete a Memorial "Murph" WOD at STARBOARD CrossFit. 
The details are on the group FB page & will post on blog in the morning. 



EMOM for 10min Complete:
 5 Hang Squat Clean Thrusters*

*The weight should be on the light end-unbroken

NFL mandates that players on the field stand for national anthem

Transform Your Life By Transforming Your Habits
 Step 1: Decide what habits are worth it
 Step 2: Focus on one habit at a time
 Step 3: Set the bar very low
 Step 4: Use checklists




AMRAP in 20min of:
 Building (400m) RUN
 Max Rep Pull-UPs


Comfort Zone
We're all guilty of getting too comfortable — with our routines, social circles, the status quo. But is it stopping us from growing? This hour, TED speakers explore ways to push out of comfort zones. TED RADIO HOUR link



Box Squats: 4-4-4-4


EMOM for 15min Complete:
 1st min- 5 Bench Press*
 2nd min- 10 GHD Situps 
 3rd min- 5 Back Squats*

5 Sets of movement 
*Weights will be determined in class, 75%ish 1RM

The 8 ways in which a walk in the woods could do you the world of good
  1. Reduced mental fatigue
  2. Increased creativity
  3. Upgraded HAPPINESS
  4. Boosted immunity
  5. Expanded exercise and heart health
  6. Diminished stress
  7. Sharper vision
  8. Increased ability to cope with pain 



4 Rounds for TIME of: 
200m RUN
  10 Toes-2-Bar
  10 DB Step-Overs (50/30s)
 200m RUN
  10 Burpees
  10 DB 1arm Snatches (70/45)

2018 CrossFit Regionals Leaderboard 

The Five Things That Happen to Your Body When You Quit Working Out
    Blood Pressure Rises
    Skeletal Muscle Starts Resisting Insulin
    Muscles Shrink
    VO2 Max Drops
    GRUMPINESS Takes Over