
"FRAN" Friday

21-15-9 Reps for TIME of:
   ·Thrusters (95/65*)

One thing is for certain with Fran. Love her or hate her, everyone knows their time in the workout. She has become a staple of the CrossFit community, a benchmark of progress, a marker for a challenge. She will always be there, her simplistic beauty lulling you in to a false sense of confidence. She will break you down, and build you up. In many ways, Fran is the very definition of CrossFit.



4 Rounds for TIME:
 · 50m Shuttle Run
 · 20 KB Swings
 · 50m Shuttle Run
 · 20 KB 1arm Snatches

*KB Weight- 53/35*



Complete 2 Rounds for Total Bench + Row Reps:

On a 3:00 Running Clock

Run 400m
Immediately followed by,
Bench Press Max Reps in remainder of time

Rest 3:00 minutes

On a 3:00 Running Clock

Run 400m
Immediately followed by,
Ring Row Max Reps in remainder of time

*RX Bench Weight 135/85*

Rest 3:00 minutes


Monday: Hero CAMERON

U.S. Coast Guard Lieutenant Junior Grade Thomas Cameron, 24, of Portland, Oregon, in training at the Aviation Training Center in Mobile, Alabama, died on February 28, 2012, when his unit's helicopter crashed into Mobile Bay in the Gulf of Mexico during a training mission. He is survived by his parents Bette and John, and brother Alex.

Hero WOD "Cameron" for TIME:
50 Walking lunge steps
25 Chest to bar pull-ups
50 Box jumps, 24 inch box
25 Triple-unders
50 Back extensions
25 Ring dips
50 Knees to elbows
25 Wallball "2-fer-1s"(20/14)
50 Sit-ups
5 Rope climb