

In TEAMs of 2...

4 Rounds for TIME of:
  43 Box Jumps
  21 Pull-UPs
  50m Lunges
  50m Bear Crawl
  400m RUN

1* TEAM Member working at a time
Partition the reps as you wish, RUN together



4 Rounds for TIME of:
 200m Shuttle RUN
 20 KB Swings
 200m Shuttle RUN
 20 Goblet Squats




BACK SQUAT: 5-5-5-3-3-3
Sled Push/Pulls and Agility WORK

Mechanics, Consistency, THEN Intensity
As you progress, inch by inch, strength, stability, and range of motion increase.



Warm UP: 2,000m ROW

"Death by" Pull-UPs

EMOM for 10 minutes:
  EVEN: 14 KB Satches (53/35)


Monday- Remember Bataan

4 Rounds for TIME:
   5 Manmakers (35/20s)
  10 Deadlifts (225/135)
  Building RUN

The Battle of Bataan ended on April 9, 1942, when U.S. General Edward P. King surrendered to Japanese General Masaharu Homma. At that point, 75,000 soldiers became Prisoners of War: about 12,000 Americans and 63,000 Filipinos. What followed was one of the worst atrocities in modern wartime history—the Bataan Death March.

                                   Retired Col. Ben Skardon, Clemson, S.C., and a Bataan survivor

The captured Americans were from the Army, Army Air Corps, Navy, Marines and the New Mexico National Guard. They were forced to march for days in the scorching heat, with little food or water, over 60 miles through the Philippine jungles. Thousands died or were killed during the March. Those who survived faced the hardships of a prisoner of war camp. 

Corporal Douglas Edwards served with the Army Air Corp 745 Air Force Ordinance of the 27th Bomb Group during World War II.  On April 9, 1942, he was captured by the Japanese at Clark Field in the Philippines. His perseverance, resiliency and sheer will helped him survive the Death March and another 42 months as a POW working in coal mines near Hanawa, Japan.

My grandfather, "Big Ed", had a huge impact on me and inspired me to become the man I am. When I'm faced with a difficult physical and/or mental challenge, I remember the hardships he endured and the sacrifices he made. Whenever I'm forced to go to "my dark place" he is by my side...