

For time:

Run 1,000 meters
5 rounds of:
    15 push-ups
    20 med-ball cleans
    21 burpees
Run 1,000 meters

Background: This workout is dedicated to Lorenzo Zanetti, 47, who died suddenly on Jan. 15, 2021, after suffering a heart attack.

Zanetti was a CrossFit Level 2 Trainer and owner of Mad Tortuga CrossFit @madtortugacrossfit_rovereto in Rovereto, Italy, where he died.

“(Zanetti) was one of the strongest supporters of the Italian CrossFit community and he dedicated his life to spreading the CrossFit methodology, leading by example,” Matteo Pozzati, a colleague and friend of Zanetti, wrote in an email.

A passionate coach and affiliate owner, Zanetti persevered through the COVID-19 pandemic, offering CrossFit classes online for his members through the gym closure associated with the crisis. Zanetti’s impact on the Italian CrossFit community will continue after his death, and he will be greatly missed.

Zanetti is survived by his girlfriend, Josipa Rimanic, his affiliate community, and many other friends and family.

The workout was first posted on Main Site as the workout of the day on Saturday, February 20, 2021 (210220).



AMRAP in 21min of:
 200m RUN
 20 KB Snatches
 15 Goblet Squats
 30 Mt. Climbers 

KB RX= 53/35



FRONT Squat: 10-10-5-5-5
Turkish Get-UPs: 4-4-2-2 (total R/L)



4 Rounds for TIME of
 Building RUN
 15 Pull-UPs
 20 KB Swings (53/35)
 30 Hollow Rocks 

“If you tell most, sort of, A-type athletes to run at their 85% capacity, they will run faster than if you tell them to run 100 because it’s more about relaxation and form and optimizing the muscles in the right way.”