

Today, we will work on mobility and stability with weight in the overhead position. Then we'll go over the Split Jerk.

WOD: 1 Rep Max Split Jerk

*use racks when DOing the Jerks



WOD: AMRAP in 10 min of
  • 50 lbs 1 Arm Walking DB Lunge - 25 yards
  • 50 lbs 1 Arm Hang Clean - 10 reps
*Alternate hands each Round
*Back knee has to touch the ground to count as a rep



From the Special Enforcement Bureau (SEB) CrossFit Inaugural SWAT Event

WOD: In Teams of 2, complete for time
  • 50 Deadlifts
  • 60 Burpees
  • 70 Shoulder to Overhead
  • 80 Pull-ups
  • 90 Front Squats
  • 100 Hand Release Push-ups
Deadlift Weight= 225/165lbs.
Shoulder to Overhead / Front Squat Weight= 135/95lbs.
Only 1 Athlete may work at a time

*Note: This workout was created by SEB Veteran Steve Logan for the SEB Inaugural Workout that took place in Los Angeles at the SEB Headquarters on December 17, 2013. The average time for completion was 20:00.