


We will start at 2pm. The WOD will contain the movements listed below. 
Exact Rep, Rounds, Loads & Time domains will be explained in class...

   • Running 
   • Burpee Pull-Ups
   • Wallballs
   • Deadlifts

Winning the Lottery

There’s nothing wrong with occasionally throwing a couple dollars down on the lottery. Someone has to win, and it very well may be you. Someone else also has to get eaten by a shark, struck by lightning, and abducted by aliens, but you’re not waiting for one of these pivotal moments to occur in your life before finally taking action. Why would you wait for some imaginary (and highly unlikely) windfall before giving life your all?

While it’s ok to play the lottery, don’t put all your chips into that. Don’t depend on the lottery, God, or some other unlikely external factor to come swoop you away from your life – work with what you have. By pursuing your dreams and goals, you won’t have to worry about the lottery; you’ll feel like you already won.


Thursday- KB WOD

Kettlebell Circuit

  • 60 seconds alternating swing
  • 30 seconds clean left
  • 30 seconds clean right
  • 30 seconds push press left
  • 30 seconds push press right
  • 60 seconds snatch left
  • 60 seconds snatch right
These exercises can be done with a relatively heavy bell so don’t cheat yourself
Use a weight that will challenge you 

The post Five Minute Friday #1 appeared first on Kettlebell Movement.



Take 10min to find a 1RM Shoulder Press


Shoulder Press 10 sets 10 reps
on a 90 second interval (50% 1RM)

7 Career Lessons From Kirk Cousins (link)
1) The importance of perseverance during difficult times – never give up
2) Keep learning, no matter what the situation
3) Bring passion 
4) Develop your own style 
5) Character counts – a lot!
6) Hard work, confidence and the importance of management support 
7) Have patience (your time will come). Be ready when your number is called



AMRAP in 20min. of:
   10 Toes-2-Bar
   20 Russian Twist (25/10*)
   30 Double Unders
   400m Run

Check Your Mindset | Officer.com
As police officers, I think taking stock of our mindset is a priority. Those other things will help us to win on the street, but if we don’t have the will to win, if our mindset isn’t where it should be, then being able to run a marathon or bench press 400 pounds won’t matter. Henry Ford said it best, “Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t - you’re right.”



15-12-9 reps for time of:
  Front Squats (135/95*)

rest 5 minutes

9–12-15 reps for time of:
  Front Squats

Last night, you were stopped at the red light at 60th and Spruce. You were working solo, probably bored out of your mind because it was a quiet night. As the light turned green, you proceeded through the intersection. What you didn't see was a man approaching your driver side window with a fully loaded handgun by his side. Without warning or provocation, he raised his weapon and began firing into your vehicle. Shot after shot, bullets ripped through the driver side door. Relentlessly, he continued his assault and started to make his way closer: 9 feet. 6 feet. 3 feet. Until finally his pistol was inside the driver side window of your vehicle. He continued to squeeze off rounds at point blank range. I know this because I watched the surveillance video showing his assassination attempt. You ducked your head down at just the right moment that rounds actually missed your head by inches. 3 bullets tore into your arm, shattering the bone and severing an artery. Without hesitation, you fought your attacker almost instantly. You drew your service weapon and viciously returned fire. It was literally a fight for life and death. Your shots were fierce and accurate enough that he retreated. He was wounded but continued to fire as he fled. You exited your car and attempted to pursue this coward, but your gunshot wounds were too much. The blood poured out of your arm like a faucet and into the street. You hit the microphone on your radio "SHOTS FIRED! SHOTS FIRED! I'm shot, give me more units. 60th and Spruce. I'm bleeding profusely!" Every cop in the city and surrounding counties responded. I was only 2 minutes away, but it felt like it took me an hour. We almost crashed 3 separate times trying to get to you. Other officers (who are in my squad and that I'm damn proud of) chased after the shooter and caught him a block away, the smoking pistol still in his possession. 2 officers threw you in their car and rushed you to Presbyterian hospital where their trauma unit and surgeons worked through the night to stop the bleeding.

After standing out on that crime scene. After seeing the sea of spent shell casings and the steaming bullet holes hammered into your car door. After watching the surveillance video and replaying the scenario over and over again in my head, you definitely shouldn't be here right now. It should have been 100 times worse. Not many people would have survived an ambush like that. He got the drop on you and had every intention of killing a cop. Whether it was your training, his lack of training, some divine intervention or a combination of all 3; It simply wasn't your time. God was watching over you. You did great last night. You made the 18th district and the entire Department proud of you. You are a hero. January 7th will forever be your alive day. Rest up Jesse Hartnett