

Bench: 5x4

Strict Press: 4x4

1000m Row 

A Day we will NEVER FORGET...

Thirteen years ago, on September 11, 2001,  all of our lives were changed forever. Our country was brutally attacked.  Four planes were hijacked by terrorists.  Two of the planes were sent crashing into the Twin Towers in New York City; the third plane into the Pentagon in Washington D.C.; and the fourth into a field near Shanksville, Pennsylvania.  By the end of the attacks, the death toll had mounted to nearly 3,000;

343 FDNY Fire Fighters
23 NYPD Officers
37 Port Authority Police Officers
8 EMTs and Paramedics
2,195 New Yorkers
87 Passengers of American Flight 11
60 Passengers of United Flight 175
125 Pentagon Workers
59 Passengers of American Flight 77
40 Passengers of United Flight 93

During this tragic event many ordinary people rose to the occasion and sacrificed their life in an attempt to save others. I never got a chance to meet Christopher Amoroso, but I've seen his love, compassion and spirit in his sister's eyes.  Chris was anything, but ordinary.  As seen in the picture above, he assisted with evacuating and getting the injured from the towers to safety.  However, he did not stop there.  Chris rushed back to the Twin Towers, where he gave his life, to help as many people as he could. This is one of many heroic stories that came out of the tragedy. We must honor the memories of these heroes and their families by helping everyone we can, cherishing every day and and never taking anything we have for granted.  

I assure you, there are thousands of Islamic extremists that are actively planning and would execute far worse attacks than this.  We must not forget and we must remain vigilant as a nation; this threat has not subsided.


Wednesday- Officer Down

Complete as many rounds as possible in 20min of:
   - 6 Power Cleans (155/115*)
   - 9 Burpees
   - 12 Toes 2 Bar
   - 200m run

On Monday night, while dealing with a disorderly subject creating a disturbance at the Gardens of Ashley River apartment complex, Charleston County Sheriff's Deputy Joe Matuskovic was killed and another Deputy was shot in the leg. Charleston County Rescue Assistant Chief Larry Britton also passed away Monday night from natural causes while providing support to the officers on scene.  

Joe was a great friend and Officer while serving at the City of Charleston Police Department, FLETC and the Charleston County Sheriff's Office. He lived life to the fullest and always found a reason to smile.  I will never forget that smile.

Our hearts go out to everyone that was involved in the incident, especially to the families of Joe Matuskovic and Larry Britton. They will never be forgotten...



For 16min complete the following:
    Odd minutes- 5 Deadlifts (255/145*)
   Even minutes- 8 Box Jumps (30/24")


Monday: 2014 Police Olympics WOD

"R21" Mark Coates

3 Rounds for Time:
  - 21 Russian KB Swings
  - 21 HR Push-Ups
  - 21 Sit-Ups

Complete with a 200m Run

Movement Standards:
Russian KBS: The KB mass must pass the back the thigh between the legs and rise above eye level at the top of the swing.

Hand release push ups: The chest and thighs touch the ground as the hands are raised off the ground at the bottom of the movement. The elbows are fully extended at the top of the movement.
Sit ups: The shoulder blades touch the ground at the bottom of the movement as the shoulders break a ninety degree angle past the hips and the hands touch the ground at the top of the movement. The bottom of the feet will placed together and the legs will be positioned in a "butterfly" position.

KB Weights: 
Under 54 years of age: 52/35 lbs.
Over 55 years of age: 35/25 lbs.

Link to register for the 2014 SCLEOA Police Olympics " Clash at the Capitol".