

In TEAMs of 2 complete the following for time:

50 box overs (24 / 20 in.)
 25 toes-to-bars
50 wall-ball shots (20 / 14 lb.)
 25 ring dips
50 wall-ball shots (20 / 14 lb.)
 25 toes-to-bars
50 box overs (24 / 20 in.)

1* Team member working at a time, partition the reps as you wish.



Bench: 2-2-2-2


150 KB Swings for Time (53/35*)



Deadlift 5-5-3-3
2 Timed Shuttle Runs

*Rest as needed between the Shuttle Runs



As Many Rounds As Possible in 8min of:

10 KB Sumo Deadlift High Pulls
60 Tuck Jumps or 30 Double Unders
30 1 Arm KB Thruster
40 Hollow Rocks

Rest as needed then...

As Many Rounds As Possible in 4min of:

10 KB Sumo Deadlift High Pulls
60 Tuck Jumps or 30 Double Unders
30 1 Arm KB Thruster
40 Hollow Rocks

*Note: KB weight is up to 35lb. for men and 25lb. for women. Use the same weight KB on the Sumo Deadlift as the Thruster. Advanced Athletes may do 30 DU instead of the 60 Weighted Jumps. On the Thruster, alternate hands as necessary, but complete 15L/15R.

The army teaches soldiers to BE OPTIMISTIC because it makes them tougher and more persistent.