

In TEAMS of 2...

AMRAP in 20 min of:
 60 Deadlifts
 30 Burpees
 60 Front Squats
 30 Burpees
 60 Push Jerks
 30 Burpees
  AMRAP (remaining time)
   Clean & Jerk

RX= 135/95 Barbell
1* TEAM Member working at a time
Partition the reps as You wish



3 Rounds of...

In 3 min Complete:
 500m ROW
 MAX Double Unders to the 3min mark

REST 1 min between Rounds
Score= Total # of DU

5 Tactics to Overcome Procrastination
1. Turn your want into a need
2. Get excited about your desired outcome
3. Make striving for your goals a central part of your identity
4. Reward yourself when you get after it
5. Punish yourself when you are lazy



South Carolina Sheriff's Deputy Killed in Shooting

Our thoughts, hearts and prayers go out to Corporal Gillette’s family and all those affected by this tragedy.

Push Jerks: 5-5-3-3-3-1-1-1-1 reps

We will use racks & go HEAVY 



As we prepare to send our “Fish Policeman” 
off to retirement, a few of us will DO this WOD early...

15-12-9-6-3 Reps for TIME of:
 Back Squat (135/95)
 Box Jumps