

Emanuel AME Church

We remember June 17, 2015...

Rev. Clementa Pinckney
Cynthia Hurd
Rev. Sharonda Coleman-Singleton
Tywanza Sanders
Ethel Lance
Susie Jackson
Depayne Middleton Doctor
The Rev. Daniel Simmons
Myra Thompson

9 Rounds for TIME of:
  200m RUN
  9 Hang Cleans (75/55)
  9 Lunges
  9 KB Swings (53/35)
  9 Ring Dips
  9 Goblet Squats (53/35)
  9 Pull-UPs
  9 Push Press (75/35)
  9 Burpees

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1. Agility Course Relays 

2. 3 Shuttle RUNs for TIME:
   Rest as needed between efforts

3. EMOM for 10min Complete;
      100m Sprint
  from: davidgoggins

The pain you are willing to endure reflects how badly you want it! 

What keeps a person from tapping out when all hope seems to be lost? It’s the mere fact that there is that slim chance that they might just be able
to pull it off. 

With my hand as it looks in this picture, I was able to do another 1,000+ pull-ups. 

We all have the innate ability to push much harder than we think we can.

There is one question you need to ask yourself when you think you’ve given everything…Can I take one more step? Can I do one more rep, etc? 

If the answer to that question is “yes”, you haven’t given everything. Very few of us have ever been to the point in our lives where the true answer is “no.”

Some of life’s greatest accomplishments come when you are met with pain and are able to push beyond it. 



3 Rounds of:
     6 1arm DB Snatches*
     6 FR Rev Lunges*
     8 alt. V-UPs

Rest 1min. between Rounds   
*DB RX= 70/45

This is how America runs.