


*Minimum of 2min rest between sets

1. Rev up your metabolism.
After a few dates with some dumbbells, both guys and gals will notice an increase in resting metabolic rate. And with the right diet, routine lifting may help you lose weight more effectively than cardio alone.

2. Build muscle.
Whether the goal is strength gains or weight loss, there’s a lifting regimen that will deliver optimal results. And, as you get older, strength training can help combat the natural decline in muscle and bone density (HIIT training may be especially effective at fighting osteoporosis).

3. Prevent injury.
Lifting weights is key to staying injury free. In addition to muscles being stronger, studies show that resistance training can lead to stronger ligaments and tendons (those are the tough connective tissues that hold bone to bone or muscle to bone, respectively), meaning you’re less prone to tears or other injuries in everyday activities.

4. Increase flexibility.
Over time, resistance training may help improve flexibility. In one study of sedentary women, moderate strength training did just that—no down dog required.

5. Get stronger bones.
If chugging glasses of milk just isn’t your thing (hello, Paleo fans!), weight training may be just the fix you need. Lifting will help bones toughen up, which can lower the risk for fractures.
For the full article the above was referenced from, please click HERE.

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