
Never Forget

Each spring, thousands join together in Washington, DC at the National Law Enforcement Officer Memorial to pay tribute to the law enforcement professionals who serve today and those who have made the ultimate sacrifice in the name of public safety.

While not everyone can join us in person, you can still honor the service of our law enforcement officers by hosting a Vigil viewing event! You can also show your support and honor a special officer by donating to light a virtual candle.

Once you register, you’ll be scheduled to receive a reminder and the link to view the live Candlelight Vigil webcast on May 13. If you would like to watch live, you can plan to join us on May 13 and 8:00 pm ET, or you can pick a later date and time and watch the archived footage. Your event can be as simple as having people to your house or as elaborate as hosting at a local event space.

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