

EMOM for 15min:
  1st 5min:
     3 High Hang Snatches
  2nd 5min:
    3 Below the Knee Snatches
  Final 5min:
    3 Full Snatches

CrossFit - Coaching the Three Snatch Positions (Journal Preview)

  • Hip-Width Stance
  • Hands wide enough that bar rest in crease of hip with legs extended
  • HOOK Grip
  • Shoulders slightly in front of the bar at set-up
  • Lumbar Curve maintained
  • Hips and shoulders rise at the same rate
  • The hips extend RAPIDLY
  • Shoulders shrug, followed by a pull under the bar with arms
  • Bar is received at the bottom of an overhead squat
  • Squat complete at full hip, knee and arm extension with the bar over the middle of the foot

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