
Monday: 2014 Police Olympics WOD

"R21" Mark Coates

3 Rounds for Time:
  - 21 Russian KB Swings
  - 21 HR Push-Ups
  - 21 Sit-Ups

Complete with a 200m Run

Movement Standards:
Russian KBS: The KB mass must pass the back the thigh between the legs and rise above eye level at the top of the swing.

Hand release push ups: The chest and thighs touch the ground as the hands are raised off the ground at the bottom of the movement. The elbows are fully extended at the top of the movement.
Sit ups: The shoulder blades touch the ground at the bottom of the movement as the shoulders break a ninety degree angle past the hips and the hands touch the ground at the top of the movement. The bottom of the feet will placed together and the legs will be positioned in a "butterfly" position.

KB Weights: 
Under 54 years of age: 52/35 lbs.
Over 55 years of age: 35/25 lbs.

Link to register for the 2014 SCLEOA Police Olympics " Clash at the Capitol".

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