

Weighted Pull-Ups: 2-2-2-2-2 on 2 min. interval


5 Rounds for Time of KB Complex (70/53*)

      • 5 Front Rack Lunges
      • 4 Thrusters
      • 3 Hang Cleans
      • 2 Push Jerks
      • 1 Snatch

This workout is completed with 1 KB.  All the movements above are completed with the KB in your Left hand followed with your Right.

1 Round = The Complex listed above with your Right and Left Hand

The prescribed weight is 70/53*. That being said, I can’t stress enough the importance of perfect form/technique! Check your ego and scale accordingly... The movements will be thoroughly explained and your execution will be monitored throughout the WOD. This WOD is for time, but more importantly QUALITY (perfect form with the movements).

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