

Click Here to Donate: 100% of the money raised will be donated to affiliates in the Houston area who need help.



E2MOM for 20min alternate between:
  Back Squats
  GHD Situps

*Reps and Weight TBD


Wednesday- KB Fun

2 Individually Timed Rounds of:
RX= 53/35
2 KBs are held throughout the WOD
Burpee Penalty for putting KB down during WOD

"You lock and load that last bullet and you shoot it at your enemy. And when you’re out of bullets, get out your knife and attack with that. And if you lose your knife, you grab your enemy by the throat and you keep fighting, and you keep fighting, and you keep fighting, and you keep fighting—no matter what. And you never quit. You never, never quit.

Fight on. Fight through the storm. Fight through the pain, and come out the other side stronger and tougher and better. A fighter. A survivor. A winner. Victorious."                                                                              
        ~Jocko Willink



AMRAP IN 20min of:
  10 Toes-2-Bar
  20 Box Jumps
  20m OH Lunges (45/25)
  400m Run