

AMRAP in 20min of:
   10 In & Out Tire Flips
   200m Run
   20m Lunges
   200m Run



8 Rounds for TIME:
  10 Wallballs (20/14)
  200m Run
  20 Russian Twist (25/10)
  200m Run

3 Things...


Monday- EOD Warriors

  EOD 130 Memorial WOD 

Reason: in honor of the 130 EOD Technicians in the Navy, Army, Marine Corps and Air Force who have made the ultimate sacrifice since 9/11.

Meaning: The workout is to be completed as a 2-Man EOD Team, consisting of 4 couplets to represent each of the services. Each couplet has two exercises totaling 130 reps, one rep for each of the fallen. After each couplet there are 16 partner over burpees as a throwback to the dreaded 16 point hit at EOD School.

Equipment: For each two man team: 1 barbell with prescribed weights, 1 Kettlebell, 1 Box and a pull up bar.

Instructions: Partners work to complete 65 reps of each movement, done as a “Chipper”, with one partner working at all times before moving onto the next movement (i.e. Partner 1 does 10 reps of the 65 Front squats while partner 2 rests, switching when necessary before moving onto the 65 KB Swings).

In TEAMs of 2 Complete:
65 Front Squats (135/95*)
65 KB Swings (70/53*)
16 Lateral partner over burpees
65 Hang power cleans (135/95*)
65 Push Press Single KB (53/35*)
16 Lateral Partner Over Burpees
65 Chest to Bar Pull-Ups
65 Box jumps  (30/24")
16 Lateral Partner Over Burpees
65 Push-Ups
65 “Pendlay” Barbell Rows (135/95*)

16 Lateral Partner Over Burpees

Choose between 4 ability levels to complete the workout: Master, Senior, Basic, and Candidate. 

“MASTER” - RX Workout: Prescribed weights and movements listed above, and completed as a team of two with a 10lb weighted vest or body armor (athlete’s choice). The movements will be completed as a “Chipper”, one team member moving at any given time. The team cannot proceed to the next movement until all 65 reps have been completed by the team.

“SENIOR” - Modified Team Workout: NO BODY ARMOR OR WEIGHT VEST. Prescribed weights and movements listed above, and completed as a team of two. The movements will be completed as a “Chipper”, one team member moving at any given time. The team cannot proceed to the next movement until all 65 reps have been completed by the team.

“BASIC” - Modified Team Workout: NO BODY ARMOR OR WEIGHT VEST. MODIFIED  WEIGHTS-MOVEMENTS. Prescribed movements or substitutions and completed as a team of two. The movements will be completed as a “Chipper”, one team member moving at any given time. The team cannot proceed to the next movement until completion of all reps.

“CANDIDATE” - Modified Team Workout: NO BODY ARMOR OR WEIGHT VEST. MODIFIED WEIGHTS. MODIFIED MOVEMENTS, MODIFIED REPS. Prescribed movements or substitutions and completed as a team of two. The movements will be completed as a “Chipper”, one team member moving at any given time. The team cannot proceed to the next movement until all reps have been completed by the team.


EOD Warrior Foundation Detonator Throwdown - Facebook Page 
EOD Warrior Foundation Homepage