
Funday- Team WOD

2012 Regional Workout Standards- Team Event 4

For time:
75 Back squats (95 lbs)
50 Pull-ups
25 Shoulder-to-overhead (95 lbs)
75 Front squats (65 lbs)
50 Pull-ups
25 Shoulder-to-overhead (65 lbs)
75 Overhead squats (45 lbs)
50 Pull-ups
25 Shoulder-to-overhead (45 lbs)
75 Back squats (135 lbs)
50 Pull-ups
25 Shoulder-to-overhead (135 lbs)
75 Front squats (85 lbs)
50 Pull-ups
25 Shoulder-to-overhead (85 lbs)
75 Overhead squats (65 lbs)
50 Pull-ups
25 Shoulder to overhead (65 lbs)

The team begins standing in the designated area. At the call of "3-2-1 … Go!" the first woman may reach down, place the barbell on her back and begin the set of back squats. From this point on, the barbell may not touch the ground until the women are finished with their portion of the workout. The women may switch who is working, and the men may hold the weight in the air while the switch occurs. The men can only touch the bar when it is stable in one of three positions: the hang, the front rack or racked on the back. There is no minimum or maximum number of repetitions that any athlete can perform.

After the 75th squat, the men grab the barbell while the women move to the pull-up bar and complete 50 pull-ups. The men must be standing while they hold the barbell. They then return to their barbell and complete 25 shoulder-to-overheads. The team then removes the 15-pound bumpers off the barbell without setting it down, and move the bar to the next station where the women will begin front squatting.

After the 75th squat, the men grab the barbell while the women move to the pull-up bar and complete 50 pull-ups. They then return to their barbell and complete 25 shoulder-to-overheads. The team then removes the 10-pound bumpers off the barbell without setting it down, and move the bar to the next station where the women will begin overhead squatting.

After the 75th squat, the men grab the barbell while the women move to the pull-up bar and complete 50 pull-ups. They then return to their barbell and complete 25 shoulder-to-overheads.

They are now allowed to set down this barbell and move to the station for the men to back squat. The men will then proceed through the same sequence of exercises and repetitions the women completed, but with heavier loads (listed above). Similarly, the barbell may not touch the ground once it is picked up, and it is the women's responsibility to hold it when it is not being used. Once the men have finished all 25 repetitions of the final shoulder-to-overhead at 65 pounds, the team moves to the designated finish area and the workout is complete.

If the bar touches the ground, there will be a 1:00 penalty. All four team members must be together for the penalty. If part of the team is performing pull-ups, the penalty will be assessed when they return to the barbell. There will also be a 1:00 penalty assessed if a teammate touches the bar when it is moving or in any position except the back, front rack or hang position. The barbell must be held off the ground for the entire duration of the penalty by athletes in the standing position.

Time cap: 25 minutes




Every Min On the Min for 12min
  EVEN: 3 Curtis P's (135/95*)
  ODD: 10 Burpees Over the Bar

You Can't Handle the Truth / Elite FTS



Today's WOD:

  • Rowing Intervals & SLED Work

Please take a few minutes to read the blog post in the link below. It was written by my friend and mentor, Greg Amundson. Greg introduced me to CrossFit a little over 6 years ago.  He truly changed my life.  Words cannot begin to express my gratitude. 



Complete the following:
  MAX Unbroken Strict Pull-Ups
  MAX Unbroken Push-Ups
  MAX Situps in 2 minutes
  Shuttle Run
  2 Mile Run

*Use the chart below to calculate your Score


Man-UP Monday: CF Football Total

CrossFit Football Total

Complete the Following:
   ·Power Clean – 1 Rep
   ·Squat – 1 Rep
   ·Bench Press – 1 Rep
   ·Deadlift – 1 Rep

*Perform a single maximal effort for the lifts listed above.
*After warm-ups, 3 attempts are allowed.

*Total must be done in the specified order.
*Combine all 4 lifts to create CF Football Total.