

Burpee MILE (kinda)
Complete for TIME, using a running clock...
  RUN 1 Mile*
  *At the top of every minute DO 5 BURPEES



20 Minutes Total
  1min RUN
  1min WALK

*Head the same direction until the 10min mark
  @ the 10min mark, turn around
  Try to finish past where you started



3 Rounds for MAX Reps of:
 1 min. Air Squats
 1 min. Hollow Rocks/Situps
 1 min. Push-UPs
 1 min. Bar Hang (skip if you don’t have a bar)
 1 min. Rest

Back to the...



EMOM for 16min Complete:
 8 Pull-UPs
 8 Push Press (95/65)
 8 Snatches (95/65)
 8 Dips

1 movement a minute 
Total of 4 sets for each movement 




U.S. Navy Special Warfare Operator Petty Officer 1st Class (SEAL/Enlisted Surface Warfare Specialist) Jon "JT" Thomas TuMilson, 35, of Rockford, IA, assigned to an East Coast-based Naval Special Warfare unit, died on August 6, 2011, in Wardak province, Afghanistan, of wounds suffered when his helicopter crashed. 

He is survived by his parents George and Kathy TuMilson, Joy and Scott McMeekan, sisters Kristie and Joy, and his dog Hawkeye.


8 Rounds for TIME:
  200m Run
  11 Burpee DB Deadlifts (60 lbs.)



Squat Test

Back Squat: 5-5-5-5-5

4 Rounds for Quality of:
 :30 Hollow Hold
 5 V-UPs
 10 Hollow Rocks
 1 minute rest

The training process is a crock-pot, not a microwave. We want quick fixes & convenience but what we need is patience & consistency. Show up, show out & keep delivering day in & day out. That’s the recipe.

What DO you see?



AMRAP in 20min of:
 Tower Run
20m Bear Crawl
 20 Box Jumps

 20m OH Lunges (45/25)

All of us have some darkness inside of us - aggression, anger, hatred - the idea isn't to get rid of it. The idea is to realize it exists for a reason, and once you learn how to leverage it without it corroding you, you'll have the ability to push through the hardest of times.



In TEAMs of 2...

AMRAP in 20min of:
 10 Wallballs
 10 Med-ball Cleans
 10 Back Extensions 
 10 Double Unders 10 Burpees 

1* TEAM Member working @ a time
Alternate after each movement 

30 Behaviors That Will Make You Unstoppable In 2019
1. Wake Up Earlier
2. Drink More Water
3. Write Your Goals Down, Every Single Morning
4. Put Your Phone on Airplane Mode More Often
5. Go on Walks AMAP
6. Clearly Prioritize Your Life
7. Eliminate All Non-Priorities (your life is a product of your standards)
8. Become More Playful and Imaginative
9. Create More Peak Experiences
10. Deepen Your Relationship with Your Parents
11. Develop Other “Protection” Relationships
12. Less “Avoidance-Behaviors”
13. More “Subconscious-Enhancing” Behaviors/Experiences
14. Become More Emotionally Flexible
15. Focus on 90-Day Sprints Rather Than New Year’s Resolutions
16. Rest More
17. Think More
18. Give More
19. Invest More in Yourself
20. Invest More in Others
21. Invest More in Organizations/Causes You Believe In
22. Focus on Progress over “Time”
23. Focus on Purpose over Process
24. Focus on Skills over Passion
26. Focus on Family over Surface-Level Friendships
27. Focus on Creativity over Consumption
28. Focus on Growth over Status
29. Focus on Learning over Entertainment
30. Focus on Investment over Cost





Turkish Get-UPs: 4-4-4-4
Make GOOD choices



3 Rounds for TIME:
 Anchor RUN
 20 KB Swings
 250m ROW
 20 KB Snatches (1arm, 10L-10R)

RX= 53/35*

How you put your weights away says just as much about you as how you lift them.



BOX Squats: 5-5-5-5-5


4 Rounds- Every:90 Complete:
  6 Around the Worlds (25* POH)
  20 Russian Twist

 :20 Hollow Hold



 50 Wallballs
 50 Double Unders
 40 Box Jumps
 40 Knees to Elbows
 30 Pull-UPs
 20 Power Cleans (95/65)
 20 Push Jerks (96/65)
 10 Power Snatches (95/65)
 10 Dips




AMRAP in 20min of:
 Tower RUN
 10 Toes-2-Bar
 30m Bear Crawl
 100m Farmers Carry (AHAP)

In sport, just like in life, there is no such thing as cherry-picking when you hope to achieve something.




For TIME...
21-18-15-12 and 9 reps of:
  Back Extensions



AMRAP in 12min of:
  12 Wallballs
  40 Double Unders
  12 Lunges



In TEAMs of 2...

4 Rounds for TIME of:
  Anchor RUN
  25 Pull-UPs
  250m ROW
  25 Toes-2-Bar

*Both TEAM Members complete Runs & Rows, partition the reps as you wish



Deadlift: 5-5-3-3-1-1

4 Rounds for QUALITY of:
  10 GHD Situps 
  10 Back Extensions 

brute.strength The absolute best, the world class, etc. They all have one thing in common: They are obsessed. In sport, this manifests itself like this. Food becomes fuel. Sleep becomes recovery. Working out becomes "training." Vacations become a distraction from training. Negative people are cut out as quickly as possible. Everything must revolve around the one goal. Life happens and unforeseen challenges arise along the way. This happens to everyone. Weak people give up after one failure. Average people give up after 10. Good people after 100. And the best just never give up.
What's your obsession?



AMRAP in 20min of:
  Building RUN
  10 Burpees
  15 Box Jumps



Front Squats: 5-5-3-3-1-1


AMRAP in 8min of:
 20 Double Unders 
 20 Hollow Rocks




For TIME...
5-10-15-20-15-10-5 reps of:
   Push Press (95/65)
   Ring Dips




EMOM for 20min alternate between:
    5 Back Squats
  10 GHD Situps
    5 Bench Press
  10 Strict Press



Back Squat: 3-3-3-3
3 Rounds for TIME of:
 Building RUN
 21 Sumo Deadlift High Pull (75/55)
 12 Bar-over-Burpees 



21-15-9 for TIME of:
 Left Arm KB Snatches
 Right Arm KB Sntches

"Strength doesn't care where you live, how much money you have in your bank account, the color of your skin or what you achieved "back in the day". Strength is EARNED. We're all equals once we enter the weight room. You Get What You Earn."



Patrick Daniel Tillman (11/6/76–4/22/04) was a professional football player who left the National Football League and enlisted in the United States Army in May 2002. He joined the Army Rangers and served multiple tours in combat before he was killed in the mountains of Afghanistan. He was a recipient of the Silver Star, the third highest honor in the military, and a Purple Heart. Pat is survived by his wife Marie. He is also remembered through the foundation named in his honor.

Founded in 2004, the Pat Tillman Foundation invests in military veterans and their spouses through academic scholarships – building a diverse community of leaders committed to service to others. The scholars chosen show extraordinary academic and leadership potential, a true sense of vocation, and a deep commitment to create positive change through their work in the fields of medicine, law, business, education and the arts.

7 Rounds for TIME of
  7 Deadlifts (315/205)
  200m RUN
  15 Pull-UPs
  :45 sec REST



AMRAP in 12min of:
 10 Burpees
 10 Front Rack Lunges*
 10 1arm KB Snatches*

*Use 1 KB, RX= 53/35

How 30 Days of Kindness Made Me a Better Person



1,000m ROW

Push Press: 3-3-3-3-3

EMOM for 10min complete:
 EVEN: 20 Double Unders
   ODD: 20 Hollow Rocks



"The Chief"
5- 3min AMRAPs of:
 3 Power Cleans (135/95)
 6 Push-ups
 9 Squats
Rest 1 minute between Rounds

Each year in the United States Navy, a highly qualified and elite cadre of Sailors are selected and promoted to the join the ranks of Chief Petty Officer. Since 1893, "The Chiefs" have been relied upon by subordinates and superiors alike for their personal example, technical expertise and above all, their unique leadership capabilities. As the induction process for newly selected Chief Petty Officers is now underway throughout the US Navy, we thought it appropriate to inaugurate "The Chief" in honor and recognition of all past and present CPOs. Thanks to them and their families for their self-sacrifice, ability to adapt, tireless dedication to mission and devotion to country.



Complete a 5 Mile Ruck 
Carry something HEAVY 


We owe our country and a large portion of our way of life to your sacrifice(s) and willingness to put the welfare of others before your own. To all those from generations past, the new generation of veterans just home from war, and our future veterans still serving at home and abroad, we THANK YOU!



4 Rounds for TIME of:
 20 KB Swings
   100m  OH Carry
 20 KB Thrusters
   100m Cross Carry
 20 KB Snatches
   100m Front Rack Carry
 20 KB Cleans
   100m Farmers Carry

RX= 53/35



EMOM for 12min complete:
 EVEN: 5 Suat Cleans
  ODD: 7 Bar-Over-Burpees




AMRAP in 20min of:
 400m RUN
 MAX Pull-UPs*

*When your hands come off the bar RUN
Score= Total # Pull-UPs

“Circumstance does not make the man; it reveals him to himself.”
           — James Allen



8 Rounds for TIME of:
 8 Box Jump (24"/20”)
 8 Hang Power Snatches (95/65)
 8 Thrusters (95/65)



EMOM for 20min alternate between:
  15 Push-UPs 
  15 Hollow Rocks

Due to evening work related activities...
WOD @ 11:30am. 

"My HEART outweighs all the talent."
       UFC Contender Derrick Lewis



Complete for TIME:
    KB Goblet Squats
    KB Swings

RX= 53/35



     “Frank Callahan”

3 Rounds for TIME:

 10 Bench Press (60% of Body weight)
 10 Dips (As strict as possible)

This Firefighter Hero WOD is dedicated to Captain Frank Callahan, FDNY, Ladder 35, who was killed on September 11, 2001. Callahan, who lived with his family in Breezy Point, Queens, was a 28-year FDNY veteran who returned to the department even after being laid off during the municipal budget woes of the mid-1970s.

"Ladder 35 couldn't have asked for a better leader or someone more committed to his men, Frank's a hero."



4 Rounds for TIME of:
 Anchor RUN
 12 Thrusters (95/65)



3 Rounds for TIME of:
 500M ROW
 12 Deadlifts: body weight
 21 Box jump, 20 inch box



AMRAP in 11 min of:
 15m DB Bear Crawl
 5 DB Ground 2 Overhead (50/30s)

WOD Demo



EMOM for 15 min alternate between:
  20 Hollow Rocks
  10 Strict Presses
  20 Double Unders


Wednesday- HERO "PK"

Today we honor "PK"

Andrew Pedersen-Keel – “PK” to those who loved him – was born on June 8, 1984 in South Miami, FL but he grew up in Connecticut, living in Wallingford, Canton and Madison. He attended Avon Old Farms High School in Avon, CT, graduating in 2002. After earning a Bachelor of Science in American Legal Studies from the United States Military Academy and being commissioned as an Infantry Officer, Andrew entered the United States Army in May of 2006. He deployed with A Company, 2nd Battalion, 2nd Infantry Regiment in support of OEF IIX and IX as an executive officer in June of 2008. He was selected for a second platoon leadership position in September 2008 with 3rd Platoon, B Company. He remained with 3rd Platoon, B Company for the duration of that deployment. As a Platoon Leader in Kandahar Province, Afghanistan, Andrew led his platoon in over 150 combat foot patrols and three air assault operations in an area of operations that included five different villages.

In November 2009, Andrew attended Special Forces Assessment and Selection. By September of 2010, he had graduated from the Maneuver Captains Career Course at Fort Knox, KY and he began the Special Forces Qualification Course in November 2010. During this time, Andrew studied Pashto, one of the two official languages of Afghanistan. Andrew graduated from his Special Forces Qualification Course in 2011 and was assigned to the 1st Battalion, 3rd Special Forces Group where he served as an ODA Commander until his deployment to Afghanistan in August 2012 as an ODA Commander. In March of 2013, he was team leader of ODA 3126.

On the morning of March 11, 2013, Captain Andrew Michael Pedersen-Keel was concluding a patrol briefing when a 20 year-old Afghan jumped into the back of an Afghan police pickup truck, grabbed the machine gun mounted on the truck bed, and mowed down the Special Forces team. Andrew was mortally wounded.

Also killed was Staff Sgt. Rex Schad, 26, of Oklahoma and the team's Military working dog, BAK. Our troops were betrayed by a purported brother-in-arms, an Afghan National Policeman in the Jalrez District of Wardak Province. Wardak is a strategic location at the southern gateway to Kabul. It is a violent nest of insurgency with a very rugged mountain terrain. Special Forces teams are striving to improve the training and mentoring of the Afghan police and military as well as to help achieve a breakthrough for local governance. At the time of his death, Captain Pedersen-Keel was deeply involved in training the Afghan Army as part of the transition plan for U.S. withdrawal.



Bench Press: 10-10-5-5-3-3


So much complexity in software comes from trying to make one thing do two things.
                                         -Ryan Singer



In TEAMs of 2

AMRAP in 20min of:
 10 Wallballs
 10 Hang Cleans (95/65)
 20 Double Unders
 10 GHD Situps
 10 Lunges

*1 TEAM member working at a time
Alternate after each movement



For TIME...

Buy IN: 12 Toes-2-Bar
              400m RUN

3 Rounds for of:
 15 Pull-UPs
 20 Tire Flips
Cash OUT: 400m RUN
                    12 Toes-2-Bar



Back Squat: 10-10-5-5-3-3 

You will never change your life until you change something you do daily. The secret of your success is found in your daily routine.
                        ~ JOHN C MAXWELL



4 Rounds for TIME:
 400m RUN
 200m Farmers Carry (50/30s)

"One can choose to go back toward safety or forward toward growth. Growth must be chosen again and again; fear must be overcome again and again." 
                -Abraham Maslow




AMRAP in 21min of:
  7 Burpees 
 11 Push-UPs 
 22 KB Swings (53/35)

This workout was originally posted on marinewod.com on April 9, 2017 and shared with us by George's sister, Jolene Taylor.

"My brother George didn’t work out much due to his health. So I tried to just do something that he did when he was in the service that we remembered him talking about which were the push ups and sit ups. He and I use to run as well. I can tell you some about Georgie. I always called him Georgie where most others said George. He was the youngest of 3 kids, but most stubborn as far as he always did things his way which didn’t mean it was the best way or right way but usually meant it was the harder way and never doing things he didn’t want to do. He always wanted to be a Marine and joined the Marine Corps straight out of High School in 1984 to 1988. He was a type 1 diabetic. This was something he struggled with after getting out of the Marines till his death.

George was taken at the young age [of 51]. Born 7-22-1965 and passed 12-25-2016. He lived by the motto "Once a Marine Always A Marine!" Anyone who knew Georgie knew he was most proud of his service as a Marine. No matter how bad his struggles were he never lost the pride of being in the Marine Corp. He loved serving his country and actually tried to rejoin the Marine Corp but due to his diabetes and health issues he wouldn’t be able to. You almost never saw him without wearing Marine Attire, especially his cap. Also anyone who knew him no matter from where or when or circumstance would always say how open and loving his personality was and his humor was loved by everyone and could make anyone and everyone laugh and come up with a imitation or hilarious saying on the drop of a hat. Georgie had a complete natural charm. Always smiling and thankful. I can hear him now saying “Thank yee” and I “persheate it” haha. Georgie had a military upbringing and so much like his father, carried the same name but Jr, so proud of being in the US Marine Corp and loved so much being around Veterans and listening to them. Our dad served in the Navy and then worked and retired as the deputy director for the Dept. of Veterans Affairs helping other veterans. Our Uncle was injured and shot in the head during D-Day and earned a purple heart.

His family loves and misses him dearly. This WOD was created in hopes to bring a smile and honor his loving memory." - Jolene Taylor



Here's how you can help the victims of Hurricane Michael | NOLA.com

In TEAMs of 2...

For TIME Complete:
 50 Knees-2-Elbows
 50 Ring Dips
 50 Box Jumps
 100 Bench Press (135/45)
 50 Goblet Squats (53/35)
 50 KB Snatches (53/35)
 50 Lunges

*Partition the reps as you wish, 1* TEAM member working at a time


DO Work!



4 Rounds for TIME of:
 10 Pull-Ups
 20 KB Push-Press*
 10 Pull-UPs
 20 KB Cleans*

*RX= 53/35

You cannot be free without uncertainty.
You cannot be free within your comfort zone.
You cannot be free in your story.
The price of freedom is uncertainty.
If you can handle the emotional angst of not knowing what will happen, then you can absolutely be free.
     -Benjamin P. Hardy



AMRAP in 20min of:
 10 Wallballs
 10 Medball Push-UPs
 10 Jumping Lunges
 Anchor Run



4 Individually Timed Rounds of:
 500m ROW
 20 Box Jumps (24/20")

Rounds start every 5 min





For time:
 30 Toes-2-Bar
 40 1arm DB Snatches
 50 DB Box Step-overs
 40 1arm DB Snatches

RX- 50/35

"Effective people are not problem-minded; they’re opportunity-minded. They feed opportunities and starve problems."
          - Stephen Covey



E2MOM for 20min alternate between:
 5 Back Squats
 10 Ring Push-UPs

3 Metabolic Pathways- provide energy for all human action

1️⃣ Phosphagen (or phosphocreatine) dominates the highest-powered activities, those that last less than about 10 seconds. Examples include a 50-meter sprint or 1-rep-max clean.

2️⃣ Glycolytic (or lactate) dominates moderate-powered
activities, those that last up to several minutes. A workout like Fran or a 400-meter run is an example of this.

3️⃣ Oxidative (or aerobic) dominates low-powered activities, those that last in excess of several minutes. Benchmark workouts such as “Cindy” or “Kelly,” or running a 5K are examples of this.




AMRAP in 20min of:
  6 Deadlifts (225/155)
  7 Burpee Pull-UPs 
 10 KB Swings (70/53)
 Anchor RUN



Yoke Carry Variations
 Farmers Carry Relays
 Medball Races
 Truck Pushes




 KB Swings
 Hollow Rocks
 Goblet Squats 
 Double Unders

“The bigger the ‘WHY’ the easier the ‘HOW’.” 
                                             — Jim Rohn



Shoulder Press 5-5-5 
Push Press 5-5-5 
Push Jerk 5-5-5 

5 and 5
Every :30 for 10min complete:
  5 Curls
  5 Push-UPs

RX= 35/20s

New Regs Mean Marines Will Have a Harder Time Passing Fitness Tests Next Year
The effort is meant to up the standards for all Marines, who will be pushed to strive for higher scores and better athleticism across the board, said Col. Stephen Armes, director of the Marine Corps' Force Fitness Division.

"I think, as with any [physical fitness] program, you have to modify it and adapt it," Armes told Military.com. "If you continue doing the same thing year in and year out, you're not going to get any better."



21-15-9 reps for TIME of:
 Deadlifts (225/155)

OU football: Kenneth Murray's record-breaking performance helps Sooners in overtime win

When the game ended, Murray went up to each service member he saw, shook their hands and thanked them for their service.

"At that point it wasn't even about the game of football, it was about their service and what they do," Murray said. "They make the ultimate sacrifice. They're the real warriors. They're out there fighting, sacrificing their lives for this country."



5 Rounds for TIME of:
 Anchor RUN
 10 Toes-2-Bar
 15 Wallballs

  • tiaclair1How your competitors prepare is completely out of your control, yet how I prepare is completely what I focus on. I respect my competition greatly and don’t take anybody lightly, they are all incredible athletes. My preparation has been about being better than the athlete that won last year. Being smarter, stronger, fitter, faster and mentally tougher than the version of myself that took out the top title.
    I hope everyone enjoys the Road to the Games episode featuring myself and @katrintanja . The Crossfit media team have done such an amazing job putting these together. Without them we wouldn’t be able to celebrate the diversity, personality, characters and stories within the sport. @crossfitgames @mariah.moore



2 Rounds for TIME with a partner:
 50 In & Out Tire Flips
 400m RUN
 50 Toes-2-Bar
 400m RUN

The Definitive Guide to Debunking Misconceptions About CrossFit
Not trying CrossFit because you saw the CrossFit Games on TV is like 

not jogging around the block because you saw a marathon in the Olympics.