

In TEAMs of 2...

2 Rounds for TIME:
  50 Pull-UPs
  50 Wallballs
  50 Hollow Rocks
  50 1arm KB Snatches
  50 1arm KB Push Press

RX KB= 53/35

Tips For FINALLY Sticking to a Program
 Cut out processed junk food
 Walk often
 Get quality sleep
 Take time to de-stress
 Check your Vitamin D levels



AMRAP in 15min of:
 200m Run
 10 Bench Press (60% bw)
 10 Toes-2-Bar

Super Bowl MVP Nick Foles's Post-Game Interview Is a Powerful Lesson in Leadership
"I think the big thing that helped me was knowing that I didn't have to be Superman. I have amazing teammates, amazing coaches around me. And all I had to do was just go play as hard as I could, and play for one another, and play for those guys."



Front Squats: 5-5-3-3-3-3

Carry Yourself – 5 Core Strengthening Workouts from Tia-Clair Toomey

Bruce Lee’s Profound Philosophy of Life: 7 Mind-Shifting Insights That Will Awaken Your Inner Warrior
   Be like water.
   Kick dogma out of your life.
   Love is way more than exciting romance.
   Express your whole truth.
   Keep on growing.
   Don’t just talk; Do!



2 Rounds of "Death by":

Round 1
 KB Swing (53/35)

     Rest 5min...

Round 2
 Power Cleans (95/65)



AMRAP in 20min of:
 200m RUN 
 10 DB Burpee Deadlifts (50/30)
 20 Situps 
 10 Ring Dips

"It is not necessarily the one with more information who will come out victorious; it is the one with better judgment, the one who is better at discerning patterns.” 
          - Frans P.B. Osinga