

 50 Box Step-UPs
 50 Jumping Pull-UPs
 40 Lunges
 40 Burpees
 30 Toes-2-Bar
 30 Push-UPs
 20 GHD Situps 
 20 Wallballs




EMOM Complete 1 Deadlift
Start with 50% of 1RM
Add 20lb EM until you can’t complete  

3 Rounds.
 20 Push-UPs
 20 Rows
 20 Strict Press
 20 Curls
 20 Skull Crushers

Rest 2min between Rounds



IGNITE Workout

With an 18min running clock, complete:

21-15-9 reps of:
Thrusters (95/65)
Lateral Burpees Over Bar

In the remaining time, establish a max weight of the complex:

1 Power Clean + 1 Hang Squat Clean

Join thousands of athletes participating in Forging Youth Resilience's annual IGNITE fundraiser to celebrate fitness as a pathway toward positive mental health for under-resourced youth.

SCORE= time of triplet and max load of complex

Forging Youth Resilience Fundraiser, May 1-31
Thousands of CrossFit athletes around the world will be performing the IGNITE workout during the month of May – Mental Health Awareness Month. Proceeds from the event support Forging Youth Resilience programs bringing fitness, nutrition, and mentorship to youth who otherwise would not have access to these services. To learn more about the event or start fundraising, visit Forging Youth Resilience.



4 Rounds for TIME of: 
 4oom RUN
 10 Toes-2-Bar
 15 Box Jumps

PUSH HARDER. Our fate is determined by how prepared we are to push ourselves to stay in the fight, never giving up, and the decisions we make to survive and live another day. ClintEmerson.com