
FUNday: OPEN WOD 18.3

Workout 18.3

2 Rounds for TIME of:
100 double-unders
  20 overhead squats
100 double-unders
  12 ring muscle-ups
100 double-unders
  20 dumbbell snatches
100 double-unders
  12 bar muscle-ups

Men perform 115-lb. OHS, 50-lb. DB snatches
Women perform 80-lb. OHS, 35-lb. DB snatches

Time cap: 14 minutes


Rx’d: (Ages 16-54)
Men perform 115-lb. OHS, 50-lb. DB snatches
Women perform 80-lb. OHS, 35-lb. DB snatches

Scaled: (Ages 16-54)
Men perform single-unders, 45-lb. OHS, chin-over-bar pull-ups (for both MU sets), 35-lb. DB snatches
Women perform single-unders, 35-lb. OHS, chin-over-bar pull-ups (for both MU sets), 20-lb. DB snatches

Masters 55+:
Men perform 75-lb. OHS, chest-to-bar pull-ups (for both MU sets), 35-lb. DB snatches
Women perform 55-lb. OHS, chest-to-bar pull-ups (for both MU sets), 20-lb. DB snatches




5 Rounds for TIME of:
  Anchor RUN 
  12 Thrusters (95/65)

Many people can’t follow through on the things they really want to achieve in life because they are obsessed with the big picture, instead of keeping an eye on the crucial, tiny daily actions.



1st, we'll work on Pull-UP technique & efficiency.
Next, we'll flush the lactic acid out of our quads.


AMRAP in 5min of:
   5 Pull-UPs
 10 Push Press (95/65)

     REST 5min...

AMRAP in 5min of:
   5 Pull-UPs
 10 Push Press (95/65)

8 Underrated Attributes of a Champion 


Monday: Part II

Workout 18.2

1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10 reps for time of:
  Dumbbell Squats (50/35)
  Bar-facing Burpees

Workout 18.2a
1-rep-MAX Clean

Time cap: 12 minutes to complete 18.2 AND 18.2a