

I encourage everyone to come out, Friday August 29 - 5:15pm,  and participate in a community WOD at CrossFit Discovery Downtown. You'll get the opportunity to hang out with CrossFitters from all over the Charleston area and meet author, JC Herz.  JC has written what will be known as the authoritative book about the history, current climate and future of the CrossFit culture. The book, called Learning To Breathe Fire, is a huge contribution to the CrossFit community. 
5 Rounds for Time of:   
  - Run 200 Meters
  - 16 Kettlebell Swings (53/35*)
  - Run 200 Meters
  - 16 Hand Release Push-ups 

1 Partner runs 200m, while the other completes AMRAP of
   - 5 Pull-Ups
   - 10 Push-Ups
   - 15 Air Squats
Continue switching off in this format for 20 minutes

“Three reasons people are obsessed with CrossFit.”  - by JC Hertz [article]



3 Rounds for Time:
   - Building Run
   - 20 Push Press (95/65*)
   - 20 Box Jumps (24/20")



Front Squat: 4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4 @ 70-75% 1RM

20min: Muscle-Up Skill Work/Progressions

Drink it...




3 Rounds for Time:
   - 400m Run
   - 21 KB Swings (53/35*)
   - 12 Pull-ups


Monday- CrossFit Team Series: Event 1

Team Series Event 1
For max reps:
Male athletes complete as many reps as possible in 12 minutes of:
30 double-unders
15 power snatches
Female athletes complete as many reps as possible in 12 minutes of:
30 double-unders
15 power snatches
Rx’d Division
75 / 55 lb. snatch
Masters Division
65 / 45 lb. snatch
Scaled Division
60 single-unders (in place of double-unders)
65 / 45 lb. snatch
In the Prescribed Division, the two men will have 12 minutes to complete as many rounds as possible of 30 double-unders and 15 75-lb. power snatches. Only one man will work at a time, and must alternate after completing one full round by tagging their partner.

Immediately after the men’s 12 minutes are up, the two women have 12 minutes to do the same but with a 55-lb. barbell.
In total, it’s a 24-minute workout. The team’s score is equal to the total reps completed by the male pair plus the total reps completed by the female pair. Both the male and female totals will be entered online. The workout standard video is available here.