AMRAP IN 20min of:
8 Clean & Jerks (135/95)
12 Pull-UPs
250m ROW
3 Rounds for TIME of:
50m left arm OH Carry
15 left arm Rows
50m right arm OH Carry
15 right arm Rows
1:00 min REST
50m left arm Farmers Carry
15 left arm Snatches
50m right arm Farmers Carry
15 right arm Snatches
4 Rounds for TIME of:
Anchor RUN
10 Pull-UPs
10 Push Press (95/75)
10 Hang Squat Cleans (95/75)
If you’re having a rough time, remember...
Manning threw 28 interceptions in his rookie season before putting the entire league on notice.
Clearly the legendary quarterback shook off his early struggles en route to 14 Pro Bowl appearances, two Super Bowl trophies and five MVP awards.